Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Willcox, Arizona

Sorry this has been a few days. We pulled into the Camping World in Mesa, Arizona last Saturday with an appointment for Monday....we thought! Wrong! No record of an appointment made, so they pushed us to Tuesday. It's all good.....they put us up for free in their gravel parking lot in the back and we had 50 amp. power. But no WiFi....grrrr... But, we did get to have lunch with Bill, Alan's brother. He walked right in and made buds with Irie right off the bat. Our little Queen Bitch turned into a lover right in front of us!!
So, Tuesday AM the guy shows up at 7:30 AM and wants to know how quickly we can be ready and out of the Magic Bus. Alan tells them to give us 1/2 hour (I wasn't even up yet!). We made it! We took off for Montezuma Castle National Monument and Tuzigoot (toos E goot) National Monument, both in Camp Verde Arizona. They were both really interesting and all about the dwellings of the Sinagua. At Tuzigoot, the pueblo consisted of 110 rooms, including second and third story structures. Montezuma Castle is nestled into a limestone recess high above the flood plain of Beaver Creek in  the Verde valley. It is the most amazing cliff dwelling! The ranger I talked with told me that last July 3 it was 104.6 in the valley, but 74 inside the cliff dwelling. The Sinagua accessed their home by ladder after ladder. Man, my knees were screaming just thinking about it!!
On the way, I saw and advertisement sign that said MASSAGE $19.00 per hour! I couldn't believe it! I also noticed that none, and I mean NONE of the desert homes have yards. It's so strange! I would make raised beds and use shade cloth if I had to because of the heat. And throw in a bunch of shade trees or palms or something!! We also enjoyed a fun store called The Old Hippie Emporium...complete with tie dye and incense!
We have two GPS's. The one in the truck we have named Ken. At first, we thought he was just confused, but now we truly think he has Alzheimers! Coming home yesterday evening, he directed us to turn right, which we did, but then he took us thru a residential area and 3 more right turns to take us right back where we started! I got the giggles and couldn't stop laughing! Lisa was asking why Momma was crying! LOL!! Now, the other GPS is our trucker's GPS and it's in the Magic Bus. We call her Barbie. She's better than Ken, but still a blonde bombshell ditz. Barbie is very polite, but really insistent that you "turn around when possible". We think you should be able to program with "WTH???? Why did you turn THERE?? or "I give're on your own...find your own damn way!" "Turn, turn, turn, you idiot!!" Of course, the GPS would fly out the window on the wrong day!!
We finally did manage to get back to Camping World. They fixed our heat problem and it wasn't too costly, for once. What happened?? Well, suddenly, the entie back of the coach would heat up to nearly 100 while we were travelling. We figured it was a loose something and it was. All fixed.
The dying thing it does is still there, but it happens rarely now and not at all since Monday. That will be a trip to a Cummins diesel dealer and will, undoubtedly, be pricey. We're putting it off and crossing our fingers, toes and eyes while we save.
And our new Even Brake? It will be fine for hours and then it beeps and flashes "Emergency Break Away". Scary the first time, but now we just unplug the system and try again later. Next Camping World visit...
On the way today, I was driving and kinda watching a truck coming up on my left to pass. The guy was all over the lane, so, as he got close, I pulled as far right as I could. Sure enough, he was still all over the lane and then starting pulling into my lane a good 10 feet too early!! I love our air horn!! I did scare Irie and Lisa, but he pulled back and missed us. I kept behind him even when we hit hills and slowed down. The Magic Bus has plenty of power and I can pass trucks all day, even on hills, but I wanted the guy where I could see him!

We are in Willcox (yup, double l's!), Arizona in a typical desert RV park. Gravel, hot, no pool, next to I-10. But we are only here til Friday. It  gives me time to catch up on things like this blog and laundry. Next stop is Deming, New Mexico and that park should be nicer...they have an indoor pool, at least.

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