Thursday, February 24, 2011

RV Poem

Same cadence as “Twas the Night Before Christmas”

It’s 2010. We went to the bank,
to buy an RV. It’s big as a tank!
Yes, we’ve purchased a big rig, to drive ‘round the world.
It’s a great big old thing, but we’ll give it a whirl.
We’re pretty good drivers and accident free,
But driving this monster is sure new to me.
With clothes in the closet and food in the fridge,
Common sense settles in and we’re scared just a smidge.
When inside my brain some questions arose
What is a Jake break, what’s a white water hose?
What’s an entry step switch, or a black water tank?
For all of this stuff, my bank account sank?
It’s nighttime, I’m in bed, and dreaming, you see,
Surely driving this monster is too much for me.
For my dream is too real, my fear is too strong
I looked out the window, my God it was long.
The moon lit the side of this gigantic rig
That was towing a Hummer! My God it was big.
My eyes were wide open as I looked at it all
I blinked once or twice, my God it was tall.
I’m deep in my dream and who should I see,
A professional driver walking up to me.
This driver was famous, in life and in legend,
He then looked at me for just a brief second.
More rapid than dragsters, the RVs, they came,
As he pointed with pride and called them by name.
Now, Numar! Now, Southwind! and Holiday Rambler!
On, Eagle! Itasca, Monaco, and Bounder!
This driver was stern, a wizened old fart,
And I laughed when I saw him, but it gave me a start.
With a wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
He gave me a thumbs-up, I had nothing to dread.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
Of checking his tires, then he turned with a jerk,
Then nodded his head, and reset his mirrors,
Adjusted his seat, then smiled at my fears.
“You’re driving a big rig and it’s a mite scary,
With cool head, be careful, and drive it with care.”
With a blast on his horn, cranked that diesel alive,
“Good RVing to all, and have a safe drive!”

Getting closer....

As I sit and watch the snow pile up (9" and counting since about noon), I can't help thinking how much better it will be to be traveling in the RV. It's not even 5 PM yet and we have all had our showers...just in case we lose power. The bath tub is filled with water and the lanterns are out. We are so experienced with power outages it isn't even funny!!
The agent emailed to say the appraisal should be into the lender today (Thursday), so I am hoping for final signing on Monday......... 2 weeks over what we wanted, but still workable (barely). We are packing our stuff up and getting ready!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Appraiser Appointment!!

Yippee!!! Just as I was writing an email to the real estate agent to rattle his cage, Jessi called....the appraiser will be here tomorrow at 11:00!!! We are SO excited!! That means we just may make our 2/28 deadline!! Keep your fingers!! Oh My Gosh....this is gonna happen!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


This is NOT the weather we are looking forward to!!!!! This is Alan shoveling off the solar panels.....
Turns out the appraiser won't be out for a WEEK!! Arrrgghhh...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Snow, maybe a bit optimistic, Trucker's GPS

Alan is on the phone right now figuring out his new GPS....this one will tell us of low overpasses, roads that aren't designed for a big rig, etc. This is all in the hopes that it will keep us two dorks from making as many mistakes!
And it's snowing!!!! 
The appraiser is supposed to some out this week ....Alan said if he or she can't make it in, he will personally go and get them! LOL!! Since the 21st is only a week away, better to push that date out to the end of the month for our new snail mail address.
And it's SNOWING!!!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


This may be a bit confusing for those sending things to us, but here goes:
Mail your letters, packages, etc. (money??) to:
Alan, Carol and Lisa Kinne
110 E. Center St. # 1773
Madison, South Dakota
 We will NOT be living there, but rather they are a mail forwarding service. We won't have any other way to receive mail. So, don't send anything here to Camptonville and don't use the SD addy til after 2/21!!
We are getting very excited...our journey is almost here!

Monday, February 7, 2011

It's happening!

Things are starting to move! I talked with both Jessi and the real estate agent and it looks like escrow will close within the next two weeks! 

Sunday, February 6, 2011


SO difficult...... we had our dearest friends over last night for dinner and then they spent the night. SO wonderful to see them! We drank wine and played a great game of Sorry (why do I always lose that game?????). Lots of laughter and deep, deep friendship......then the morning came..... and we realized we won't see each other for a while. Our goodbyes were tearful and sad.
I have to remember that we'll be back around, that we aren't moving across the nation or anything like that, no one has died...really nothing bad at all....just some space between visits. We have threatened to camp in driveways, at least for a few days or in a nearby campground til they are sick of us (how does a font just suddenly change on you??? Arrgghhh...computers suck!)
Back on topic....I feel better having written this.....we actually will be able to stay longer and see friends and really get caught up on all the stuff, not just the surface stuff!! That's probably better anyway! :0)
Ahead of us lies a HUGE ( this thing is bugging me!! LOL) adventure! To try and keep things easier on ourselves, Alan just bought on eBay a very cool truckers GPS. It lets you know of low overpasses, exits that won't work for a 40' plus the truck turnaround, any dangers for a big rig and that will be us ....BIG!! I can't wait to see it!
Ok, gonna do some packing.....the plan is to have everything we plan to take in the corner of the garage so that when we leave to get the coach (it's in Mesa, Az) Jessi and Matt can be moving in. Our friends, Mark and Char, bought the couch, so they can get it then, too.
We are just waiting for the escrow to close and it is SO hard to not call the realtor every single day! ;0)~ I'm sure he'd just love that....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

FUN day!! and a NEW phone!!

We had a great day!! Mostly doing the RV our snail mail application sent out to South Dakota (more on that addy later), bought a bunch of stuff we will need in the RV lifestyle, got to see a good friend and pick his brain (thanks! Diceman!). I love Texas we had a late lunch (wine for dinner!! ) and we got our new cell phone! It's a Droid Vortex (sounds sexy, eh?)...does a ton of stuff, but we can't program it up here in C'Ville!!!!  Arrggghhh..... Alan will probably take it into town to do that and a few errands tomorrow. The number is (530) 913-4910 for both of us...we got rid of my phone altogether.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary....hard to believe as I sit here waiting for the heater to warm the house, that 4 years ago we were in Grenada with our friends! It was warm there!!!!! We were in a private villa with a pool and just so enjoying ourselves!! See pic.
So, instead of going to Pink Gin Beach we are going to Camping World and faxing our information to South Dakota for our snail mail address!! Funny how life changes.......
I am so grateful for Alan! He is my perfect other half or as my friend Paula says "He completes me"!! There is something so wonderful in deep down KNOWING you have someone in your corner, no matter what. I believe the Universe knew what was coming our ways and put us together knowing we would pull together and not apart. Losing 2 sons in 6 months time was a gigantic blow for both of us and yet, we grew could I not love this man with every fiber of my being???