Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunny Acres RV Park

It's Sunday and a pretty low key day....not doing anything and I am BORED!! This is a pretty nice park....a good place to hang out waiting for parts. Much better than stuck in the desert, for sure.
I am feeling introspective today...just kinda quiet and thinking. We have lots of different things going on and I am trying to consider each one in turn. First and foremost for me, is Lisa. She is such a sweetheart, rarely bucks whatever is going on at the time. Her seizures, tho, add an element that can be crazy making. We never know when they are gonna hit......waiting for that last boot to fall.....and when they do, all hell breaks loose. So, we listen closely and ask often "Are you ok?" I am thankful that she hasn't hit her little bald noggin going down....bumps and bruises everywhere else, tho. Is it fair to her to move her all the time given that people with disabilities generally want routine and "sameness"? On the other hand, she enjoys getting out and seeing things. I wish I could just ask her so many things and this is one! But her language skills are just not there....she says "yeah" to everything! And, if I try, she gives me a confused I try again with different words....only further confusing her and frustrating myself!
Then there is Irie.....I can tell she doesn't like her new life. She doesn't have her forest to run in, no smelly dead things to roll in, no freedom at all. Consequently, she spends her days guarding us. Her occasional growls and mini barks have grown to every other second. Thankfully, she isn't a yappy little dog...that would drive me insane! And I feel guilty that I can't walk her as much as she would like.....some days my Fibromyalgia just won't allow it.
I am worried about Alan, too. He says he's happy and loves this life, but lately, when something breaks down (and there are always at least 3 things waiting to be repaired), he says "that's it!!" and growls and grumps for how happy exactly is he? Our so called insurance has been anything BUT assuring! This is the first big repair they have ok'd.....I'll bet we've put close to $10,000 dollars we don't have into this adventure! Money is a fear button for a lot of people and it is for he stresses every month that we will run out....  And I know he feels guilty that he had this idea and pushed for it. But, in truth, my wandering soul liked the idea a lot....
Now, I'm not so sure. Yes, it is wonderful to get out and see the sights. Yes, we have met some great people.  Yes, it is the only way ,financially,  we can afford to get across the nation and see my brother and his family. But all these good things happen 1/3 of the time...the other 2/3 are taken up with repairs or simply doing a leg of our trip east. In the meantime, domestic chores are all made more difficult. Lugging the dirty clothes to and from the laundry, making meals in a tiny kitchen without all my handy dandy gadgety things, being on top of each other 24/7, dealing with RV plumbing and the toilet that hurts my back and arm every time I flush, walking to and from the showers with Lisa and towels, shampoo, soap, etc. or taking a shower in our shower where I bang my arms on the side walls trying to wash my hair, things falling out of cabinets on my feet or trying to find something, I miss my roots and friends and especially, Kris and April.....I could go on, but what's the point??
Somehow, I've got to figure out how I really feel about this life and if I want to continue. When Alan is ready to dump it.....I'm looking on line for a house to rent and finding really great ones with character and an ocean view! When things are good....I am enjoying it and Alan is fun to be around. I just wish it would stay good at least 50% of the time! On the other hand, how many people get to do this? We have seen some amazing sights, truly, truly beautiful. Met people that would help you out in a second, enjoyed meals and sunsets and sunrises to take your breath away.... so much to think about! We have talked and decided to give it a year, which would be March 1st, 2012.
I will close by telling you about the lady next to us here. What a hoot! At night, she is right outside our bedroom, saying in a Mini Mouse, high pitched voice, "Go poo poos for Mommy, go poo poos, come on baby go poo poos, go poo poos....." and it goes on and on for maybe 5 minutes of this sing-songy voice til the poor dog manages to please her and shit!! I feel sorry for that poor dog! We just walk Irie and she does what she does! So, you see, I have met some unusual people, for sure! LOL!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys! I am so sorry you are having so many problems. You are in my thoughts and prayers - please be safe!!!!
