Saturday, October 15, 2011

Chiricahua National Monument to Tombstone, Az.

We try to get out and see what's around us...this day, we did more travel than usual, but there just isn't much in the desert! At once, we saw these huge grasshopper things... I'm talking like 3 inches long and they were everywhere!! Must be mating! We did find out at the Chiricahua Visitor's Center that they are called Grouse Locusts....crazy.
From the early 1400's southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico have been home to the Chiricahua Apaches. They were traditionally nomadic, hunting large animals and gathering plants. When settlers arrived, they fought relentlessly led by Cochise and Geronimo. But in 1885, they ultimately surrendered and were taken to reservations in Oklahoma and New Mexico. I still have a hard time with that. They were here first afterall.
Really didn't think I would ever want to look at another rock formation, but they still intrigue me. I think Alan (and definitely Lisa) couldn't care less, though! These pics are from the road as we couldn't hike the trails. There was a large forest fire up there last May and burned thru July...all roads and trails were closed. The "This button doesn't do anything" pic was positioned below a film screen in the Visitors Center....kinda cracked me up!

Off to Tombstone, Arizona thru more sand, sagebrush and flash  flood zones. There were some crops, though. What looked to me like pecans, corn and even cotton. I was surprised to see the cotton! Tombstone is pretty much what you would expect...touristy gift shops, tee shirts and even a Harley store! Check out the old Harley! Of course, we went to the reinactment of the gunfight at OK Corral. That was pretty fun and they did a good job of setting up scene with all the tension in town between the cowboys and townies. We both warned Lisa several times that it was gonna be loud, but when the gunfire started, she nearly climbed into my lap!! LOL!! On our way out of town, we stopped at the Boothill Cemetary....pretty cool. There was a guy trying to get people to go to his shop/museum. It was a reptile place with over 30 snakes. I stopped to see the snake and Lisa loved it....even pet the snake with me holding her hand. Alan hates snakes, so he went into a gun shop. LOL!!

We are now in Deming, New Mexico.. ...NOTHING here to see, so we have done laundry and they have an indoor pool...that was nice! Off tomorrow for Van Horn, Texas.....

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