Friday, April 8, 2011

Leaving Auburn

And heading up to Red Bluff to Durango RV Resort....looks beautiful....we can't wait! This will be our first leg towards South Dakota to get our driver's licenses. Our hydraulic leak seems to have already been fixed by Alan....the service guys in Mesa really left a LOT to be desired. They supposedly "checked" it and told us it was just over spill from filling it EXCEPT that they never tightened 4 bolt thingies (Alan could tell you better than I..... he did it and the leak stopped!) We opted to  get it checked anyway and it appears we are good there.
Those hydraulics run our jacks so we can level this "big car" (as Lisa calls it). The jacks are manual only and we are struggling a bit to get the hang of it. It doesn't help if you are in a site that is uneven (like the one we are in now).
Hooking up the sewer (black tank), fresh water and electric are a piece of cake.
Yesterday, we had a slow day, so I did some laundry and just putzed around...... good thing, too, because we foolishly decided to try sleeping with Irie in the bed with us. How the hell does a 9# dog take over an entire queen size bed??????? We got zero sleep! She's right back in her own bed tonight!!
A few nights ago, we came back from Matt and Jessi's, to find that we had absolutely NO power. The house battery was completely dead!! I figured we were fine because I knew that with the generator running, it would re charge.....except that the generator wouldn't turn over either!!SO we started the whole coach! By now, my wonderful hubby has gone totally ballistic!!! I have learned over the years to not ramp up with him and to try to stay calm (hard to do in the face of a hurricane, I can tell you). I suggested he call Tony (Diceman) since he has an RV and the experience we don't have. He ranted about having to travel to North San Juan before he had cell service, but I guess decided "what the hell?" and left. I just prayed he wouldn't wreck the car; he was SO upset.
When he came back, the house battery had charged some with the engine running, but the BIG thing for me was that Alan had calmed down a LOT! THANK YOU,DICE!!!!! You saved the evening! (He told Alan to calm down, go to bed and it would be better in the AM.) Well, let's just say that it was almost like make up sex only we weren't fighting!! LOL!! We humans are a strange species....
Sure enough, in the morning, we found the house battery nearly charged and had figured out why the whole thing went dead. A cargo light had been left on AND a toggle had been turned off that should always remain and learn, I guess!


  1. It's not my's not, it's not, it's not!!!! The RV Gods are conspiring against me.

  2. We call him Grumpy for a reason LOL be safe on your journey and I will see you on the road.

