Friday, April 15, 2011

Columbia River RV Park

Ok, I guess we got a bit spoiled!! We traveled most of the day....all of it in rain and fog, then Portland traffic. The directions were a little sketchy, but the RV gods were with us (yet again)!! Alan pulled over to figure out the GPS and I spotted a sign "RV" with an arrow. We decided WTH? and followed it....sure enough...there was the campground,'s yucky! It IS along the Columbia River and the glimpse I got was pretty. I know, further up, it's awesome....LOTS of waterfalls and trails.
But we can't see it from here.The sites are very close and flooded! Poor Irie had to pee with her "equipment" under water! LOL! Somehow, she always manages.
We set up the black and grey tanks, cable and electric. I DO NOT like standing in water and plugging that sucker in!! When Alan did it, I had to look fear of electrocution is pretty damn high. I mentioned that I'd be shocked if the site was even near level....boy, was I wrong!! It was dead on!! Yeah!!!
Alan is off to find a grocery store and I have started dinner (garlic and sesame pork roast , roasty potatoes and broccoli). I also started a load of laundry.
Laundry is very interesting!! It's a small capacity machine that washes and then magically turns into a dryer. When it is spinning, it feels like a giant earthquake in really rocks this new home of our's!! The dryer part isn't very efficient, so I end up with damp clothes. We bought a wooden thingy to hang clothes on, so I set that up before we go to bed. Everything is usually pretty dry by morning, then the next day I do it all over again...
Tomorrow, I get to see some very dear friends.....I love you, Val and Richard!! I can't wait! Val and I were neighbors something like 25 years ago and have remained forever friends and I adore her Richard....Alan will, too, I know.
Lisa always sets up her dolls when we get to a campsite...right now, she's listening to her iPod and getting everyone's hair brushed and ready for bed. OK, time to set the table and get dinner on.

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