Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lisa and "school"

Lisa has an old cell phone of mine (not connected) and she makes frequent phone calls......sometimes to her Mom, sometimes to David and ALWAYS to Gary, her imaginary friend/boyfriend. I just listened to the sweetest conversation between her and Amee, one of her "teachers" at her "school" went something like this:
She opens her phone, clears her throat, and states in a very business-like voice 3384789923   "Amee"
Then she waits about 15 seconds   " Amee, hi!" waits a few secs, "Lisa" "I a good girl" "Yeah" pause...."Yeah, I coming!!" "YEAH!!" and she laughs...."I coming, my school" "Uh huh" "Yep, I coming, my house...nice house" pause..... "I good girl.....yep (and she laughs) MY school, my friends, my house!!" pause...."Yeah, my friends" and laughs...."OK, I love you too" "OK, bye"
I just re read that and I feel like crying....obviously, she would rather be home and seeing her friends at school. We thought this life would be so fun for her (and us), but it sure hasn't worked out that way. The stress has been thick in the air it felt like you could see it! And our sweet Lisa uses what she feels to help her navigate a difficult life (to say the least!)....what have we done??? This makes me even more determined to get us back to Nevada County, get her a home where she feels stable and back into her school with her friends.

And, we have missed OUR friends, too! I know we won't make it for Thanksgiving, but I REALLY want to be home for Christmas!!!

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