Monday, April 18, 2011

Gig Harbor, but BAD bridges

Well, we left Portland and our wonderful friends this AM. I was sad to leave them, but not the RV park...we won't be back there, for sure. I took advantage of their laundry room (which was clean, but super dated with ONE table to fold on that was maybe 3' long!) I had heard that residents can be kinda stand offish with us temps, but I ran into two very rude ladies there that really took the cake! I like people and I am fairly outgoing so I tried to initiate a conversation.... "Hi (smile) do you live here full time or travel like my family?" (Lisa was with me, of course) Not ONE word!! They looked at each other and went back to their laundry!! SO rude!!
I started out driving (I am the AM driver) and just kinda kept going ending up here in a charming RV park in the redwoods and this is more like it!! :0)
Before that, though, I had to navigate some gnarly ass bridges!!! Anyone that knows me, knows that heights scare the gee willagers outa me! When I was on a motorcycle, I just closed my eyes or glued them to the book I was currently reading. In a car, I just concentrate on the lane ahead of me. Well, now I am driving an RV, sitting way up high , and I can see over the damn thing to the water below!! And its not  like we are tiny....this sucker is 102" across.... the absolute legal limit for ANY vehicle!!  My stomach clutches and I feel real's getting better, but still.......

Tomorrow, we will spend the day with Tom, Alan's older brother. He needs to get some shopping done. It will be great to see him again! Gig Harbor seems very charming and I can't wait to explore!


  1. It is so fun to follow your adventures! I so understand that BIG thing - LOL! Bridges and highway construction - those are my YIKE moments.

  2. I KNOW!!!! Today, 4/20, I had that same damn bridge and about 10 miles of very narrow lane and construction!!! Life is fun, though!!!
